About Us

Family business with global reach

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We are Vamar International logistics company and we are constantly on the move. Since our establishment in 1992, we have grown from a small family business to a large logistics company with global reach.

Complete logistics services

As time went, our scope of services constantly kept growing: for example, we expanded our storage area from 500m2 to 12,500m2, where we dispatch 4000 pallets and 80 trucks every day. Every day, 300 containers are sent all over the world from us. Thanks to that, we can offer you experience of big carriers with personal and flexible approach of a family business. At the same time, we are one of the few companies who care about contracts for even the smallest customers and we will gladly take care of individual consignments, for which we have prepared complete infrastructure. Additionally, we offer services for complete logistics process:

Packaging services
Storage services
Customs services
Individual consignments
International transportation

Long-term cooperation

We believe that we are where we are because we place our bets on everyday thorough work for our customers. Our reward is the fact we have cooperated with them for a long time, often since our establishment:

Unipoint AG
Unipoint AG
Transportation since 1994
Complete storage and transport since 2005
Complete storage and transport since 2005
Complete storage and transport since 2005
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